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Learn English meaning of survivalism

Date: Jul 31 2019

Themes: Alternative

Grammar: Articles, Quantifiers, and Determiners


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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It’s raining hard outside your window. The wind is blowing the leaves and branches from the trees. The street in front of your home is so full of water that it looks like a river. Suddenly, the lights go out. You can’t see anything, and even your telephone doesn’t work. Are you prepared for this kind of emergency?

It’s wise to have the supplies you need in case of a worst case scenario. You can never know when something will happen. But some people are taking this idea a little far. While it’s definitely useful to know how to take care of yourself, you may not be ready to, for example, take a hunting class. It’s all about who you are and what you believe is important.

Brian is a survivalist. Find out more about what he’s getting ready for in today’s English lesson about staying alive.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Brian:  Hey. So, yesterday I went out, and I bought an outdoor ax and three cases of bottled water.

Kellie:  Oh, really? Why?

Brian:  I feel like these days it’s just best to be prepared in case of the worst case scenario.

Kellie:  What do you mean? What do you think is going to happen?

Brian:  If the apocalypse were to happen, I would have water.

Kellie:  Well, I don’t know about the apocalypse. I think it’s wise to prepare for a hurricane or something… I have some bottled water… but I think that’s going a little overboard.

Brian:  I feel like it’s best to be prepared than regret it.

Kellie:  I see.

Brian:  Next up, I’m taking hunting lessons.

Kellie:  Hunting lessons? What do you think is going to happen?

Brian:  If we lose a way of getting food, it would be good to learn how to hunt and know how to do that.

Kellie:  Well, I’m all for being prepared, but still… I don’t know what to say to that.

Brian:  Well, if the end of the world happens, you can follow me around.

Kellie:  OK.

Brian:  I’ll take care of it.

Kellie:  Thank you.


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Brian wants to be ready for the worst case scenario. If the world ends, he wants to have the supplies he needs, along with important skills like hunting. Brian seems to believe that something serious could happen at any moment, and he doesn’t want to wish he’d been more prepared.

Kellie understands Brian’s fears, but she also thinks that one can be too prepared. She agrees that it’s wise to have some water if there’s an emergency, but she doesn’t think it’s necessary to learn how to kill animals herself.

Are you prepared for an emergency? What do you believe is important to know or have?



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I like to be prepared for an emergency, especially during the winter time.  When I know that  a snow storm is coming, I clean up the garage to park my car and also I get the suplies ready to clean the snow like the snow blower and the shovel.  Furthermore, I go to the groceries store and get some food for at least one week just to be prepared for the worst case scenario.  I think that it is wise to be prepared so that you don’t regret it.

01:36 PM Jul 31 2019 |



Actually I’m not prepared for any emergency! I’m not quite sure if being not prepared is good for me or not. But what I’m exteramly sure about  is being optimistic and have faith in God that he is always there to support me and keeps me safe in troubles, is much more better than being pessimistic and expect bad things that it might happen it might not. Moreover nothing worth to lose your peace of mind. On the other hand,  to be more practical I should mention that schools around the world are responsible for teaching students how to behave in the worst case scenario. As every country has its natural fenomenas, so students should be learned how to be survivals in hurricanes of course if hurricanes are common in their countries. The same should be applied in the countryside that suffer from earthquake or floods. 

01:49 PM Aug 02 2015 |




Once driving in early hours, I got caught up in the severe storm. It was so severe, that I had to stop the car and all people did and experience the thunder, lightning, the metal screeching..It was so intense and mighty and you kinda felt so small cooped in car like a little bird. I started praying:). In a 5 minutes, the squall’s gone as though has never come, but I still remember. What can we do? Nothing!

01:19 PM Aug 02 2015 |


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

If apocalypse were to happen, I have lots of important things to think about it, that water would be the last. so if the world ends, I want to end with it too :D

07:10 AM Aug 01 2015 |



Well I think “survivalism” is word using to refer something really overboard , like thouse groups of survivalist … but and the best way to be prepared for situations like that is always be calm to think  about what is happening around and then take an action,but sometimes emotions don´t help us a lot.

03:44 AM Aug 01 2015 |




Although  Brian is going over the board  taking hunting lessons , it is true that we must be prepared in case of a worst case scenario. I   had a fire in my apartment , it was during the night and the electric light  cut off, I didn`t know what to do,    burning (not seriously) my hands  trying to open a faucet  to put out the fire. Later on, i remembered that there is  a fire extinguisher in the  hall of each floor . I wasn`t prepared for an emergency , otherwise, i wouldn`t have burned my hands. 




No one can prepare for emergency, sometimes can come suddenly, so how you can prepared before, it’s something impossible. Our life and our end not between our hands. Only person who they have faith can understand what im saying.

04:22 PM Jul 31 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I agree to be ready for emergency. But the problem is even you spend all of your life in this way you can’t fully be prepared for this type of situations.
Furthermore, you didn’t live normal and you lived in fear all of your life.
But we should know and do something for emergency situations and be prepared for them.
I have flash light for going lights out! But the battery doesn’t work, it couldn’t recharge! I mean we regularly need to check these type of things and spend money for them to be ready for these simple type of emergency!
So you think, if you spend all of your life for emergency like apocalypse it won’t be enough!
It would be better if schools teach some things about emergency.


United States

surivalism is very importan if you live in the earthquake area . Soon or later , there will be a big earthquake in my city , therefore , I must learn how to prepare for the worst case senario.

03:53 PM Jul 31 2015 |




Next up?

I’m 99% sure that I can hear “Next step”, I’m taking hunting lessons.

Anyone heard for the expression “Next up” before?

07:37 AM Jul 31 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I really didn’t get Brain. He’s scared to death and all of these fears are baseless and doesn’t make sense at all. He is acting like, apocalypse is gonna happen for sure in a couple of days. It sounds that he watched a lot of melancholic movies recently. So Brain take a chill pill and turn off your TV. You know, Brain you doesn’t need to take those hunting lessons, It would be a lot better if you pay a visit to your psychiatrist.

But unfortunately some sort of apocalypse has already started for years in some regions of the world such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen … It took many lives, left many people homeless. People live off the grid without food, shelter, electricity or even drinking water and still the situation goes on without any change and it seems that nobody care if it goes on and on for decades. It’s embarrassing that movies like “2012 Apocalypse” draw more attention than what is actually going on in our world.



Viet Nam

Nothing is impossible in the life. Before I allway think that I don’t need prepare for any emergency in the world. But I changer my mind afterI don’t know how to swim, becuase I am so afraid of water, and however I live in a town. Here we don’t have any river or something dangerous from water…But It happened, in this year the weather is very harsh. It rained hard for a week. My town was submerged in the water. In this case swimming skill is very important. But I didn’t know to do anything. Just sat and waited for helping. After that I have to go to swimming class. 




I don’t prepare for any emergency.If any emergency happens like hurricane,tsunami which is life taken overnight,No time to prepare.I watch Man Wild to know what will help me without any morden conveniences.



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Allways do what you can to prepare for an emergency. The rest you must leave in God`s hands for only He knows the future. God helps those who help themselves. He is the One who is all knowing in all things. He will help you prepare for the future provided you have an ear to listen to Him. He will help you with whatever is needed.

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