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Israel deliberately targeted Civilians in Gaza: U.N Report



The United Nations enquiry Committee led by retied South Afarican Judge Goldstone submitted a report to UN, some of the points are as follows:

1.        There is enough evidence to show that Israel deliberately targeted civilians and used excessive force.

2.        IDF committed actions amounting to crime against Humanity and war crimes.

3.         Goldstone recounts that the evidence that his team gathered includes first-hand accounts of the “shooting of civilians holding white flags… the deliberate and unjustifiable targeting of U.N. shelters… and the killing of over 300 children whilst the Israeli army had at their disposal the most precise weaponry in the world”. The report says that Israeli troops committed the war crime of using Palestinian civilians as “human shields”.

4.        The report also concludes that Israel’s invasion of Gaza was “a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorise a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself and to force upon it an ever-increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability”.

 5.        Another important conclusion is that the economic blockade of Gaza by Israel in the years before the military attack amounted “to collective punishment intentionally inflicted by the government of Israel on the people of the Gaza Strip”.

 Israel is hoping that its all-weather friend, the United States, will again bail it out of the tight situation and prevent the Goldstone recommendations from being referred to The Hague. True to form, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, said that Washington had “very serious concern with the mandate given to [the Goldstone team] by the Human Rights Council prior to our joining the Council, which we viewed as unbalanced, one-sided and basically unacceptable”. 

04:50 PM Oct 13 2009 |

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United Kingdom

It's funny how the UN targets the victim after defending itself.


Was there a 'Goldstone' report or any sort of condemnation while Israel was getting pounded by 8000 rockets on a daily basis the past few years?


The UN to me, and to many other people is just another fancy debating society with hypocrisy as its ideology, shifted by the world's most barbaric and despotic regimes.

If there were any justice, the Arabs, the Islamists and the terrorists would be on the receiving end, and not the only free and democratic country in the Middle East. 

05:50 PM Oct 13 2009 |



United Kingdom

The UN is generally a recognized body for being 'official'. Me naming Israel as a member doesn't imply that I think the UN is great. I honestly don't.


This is not the first time that the UN has taken a 'consensus' position against Israel. The infamous resolution in the 70s calling Zionism 'racism' is just another example.


Certain UN organizations are good, such as the WHO, but in general, the UN doesn't get anything done in the world, because its blocked by other people.

The Arabs have a problem with the UN because the West generally sides with ISrael, and the US vetoes resolutions condemning Israel.

People like me in the West dislike the UN because the powers on the other side stop any tough resolutions against human rights violators:

Ex: Sanctions are stopped against North Korea by China and Russia.

Sanctions against Sudan are stopped by China and its interests in Sudan.


All countries are hypocrites in some shape or form, just some more than others, and in issue more serious than others.

10:15 PM Oct 13 2009 |



United Kingdom

@the strikingforce:

If th UN or the international community want to condemn a country for alleged violations of human rights, they should do it consistently.

Whether you choose to beieve or not, there are dozens of countries where people have no rights, and these receive zero attention from the UN.

Because of the clout of Arab and Muslim countries numerically speaking at the UN, the accusations are pushed to the forefront.   

10:18 PM Oct 13 2009 |



President of Palestine, M. Abbas stands exposed by delaying the demand for Vote over the report under US pressure.

Palestinian leadership has never stood up to the hopes of Palestinians or their well-wishers world over. It is general crisis of the credible and unrelenting leadership in Palestine and Arab world generally. Govts. generally capitulate before US or other imperialist pressure.


12:22 PM Oct 14 2009 |




All world know that except fabs and his friends of zionists , or they knew but lie? may be , every thing is possible this days…

01:11 PM Oct 14 2009 |




he lie and believe himself…though there r some friends here support him , how?

i ve watched yesterday a movie called " thunderheart" it talk about the red indian american in 1970, and i wish to ask who support israel , do they, red indian, have the right to restore America from white ppl now though their history is still fresh, not like the socalled jews? who come after 3000 yrs and amny many cases through the history!!!!!  

02:06 PM Oct 14 2009 |



United Kingdom

Unfortunately, most of the Native Americans have died, and even if they wanted to, there is absolutely no way they could  resettle and govern all of the USA by themselves.


In the case of the Jews, the injustice of their expulsion can be rewritten and has been rewritten. The people and their culture and their numbers have been kept intact throughout time.

02:30 PM Oct 14 2009 |



United Kingdom


No country accepts 8000 rockets being fired at its civilians. Why should Israel?


The very risk of ANY civilians dieing is in my eyes, attempted murder and is just as bad.    It also had to be mentioned that the cities hit all have bomb shelters, both public and private, to which people ran to whenever the sirens ran.


I support Israel, because I think they are right, for no other reason.

02:33 PM Oct 14 2009 |



United Kingdom



Govts. generally capitulate before US or other imperialist pressure. 

memo to you: Communism is dead.

02:34 PM Oct 14 2009 |




"Unfortunately, most of the Native Americans have died"

ooh so sorry for them, i advice u to watch the film hen friendCry..

 "and even if they wanted to, there is absolutely no way they could  resettle and govern all of the USA by themselves."

really, what a kind hearted u r but if u live with us and believe what ur eyes saw of Zionism victims!!!!Innocent

u r not a Zionist!! u have a heart Surprised

02:36 PM Oct 14 2009 |