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Obama's First Coup d'Etat: Honduran President has been Kidnapped!



Obama's First Coup d'Etat: Honduran President has been Kidnapped

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By Eva Golinger – Venezuelanalysis.com
June 28, 2009

Honduran President José Manuel Zelaya
President of Honduras José Manuel Zelaya 

Caracas, Venezuela — The text message that beeped on my cell phone this morning read "Alert, Zelaya has been kidnapped, coup d'etat underway in Honduras, spread the word." It's a rude awakening for a Sunday morning, especially for the millions of Hondurans that were preparing to exercise their sacred right to vote today for the first time on a consultative referendum concerning the future convening of a constitutional assembly to reform the constitution. Supposedly at the center of the controversary is today's scheduled referendum, which is not a binding vote but merely an opinion poll to determine whether or not a majority of Hondurans desire to eventually enter into a process to modify their constitution.

Such an initiative has never taken place in the Central American nation, which has a very limited constitution that allows minimal participation by the people of Honduras in their political processes. The current constitution, written in 1982 during the height of the Reagan Administration's dirty war in Central America, was designed to ensure those in power, both economic and political, would retain it with little interference from the people. Zelaya, elected in November 2005 on the platform of Honduras' Liberal Party, had proposed the opinion poll be conducted to determine if a majority of citizens agreed that constitutional reform was necessary. He was backed by a majority of labor unions and social movements in the country. If the poll had occured, depending on the results, a referendum would have been conducted during the upcoming elections in November to vote on convening a constitutional assembly. Nevertheless, today's scheduled poll was not binding by law.


As of Saturday, the situation in Honduras was reported as calm. But early Sunday morning, a group of approximately 60 armed soldiers entered the presidential residence and took Zelaya hostage. After several hours of confusion, reports surfaced claiming the president had been taken to a nearby air force base and flown to neighboring Costa Rica. No images have been seen of the president so far and it is unknown whether or not his life is still endangered.

Honduras is a nation that has been the victim of dictatorships and massive U.S. intervention during the past century, including several military invasions. The last major U.S. government intervention in Honduras occured during the 1980s, when the Reagain Administration funded death squads and paramilitaries to eliminate any potential "communist threats" in Central America. At the time, John Negroponte, was the U.S. Ambassador in Honduras and was responsible for directly funding and training Honduran death squads that were responsable for thousands of disappeared and assassinated throughout the region.


Foreign Minister Rodas has stated that she has repeatedly tried to make contact with the U.S. Ambassador in Honduras, Hugo Llorens, who has not responded to any of her calls thus far. The modus operandi of the coup makes clear that Washington is involved. Neither the Honduran military, which is majority trained by U.S. forces, nor the political and economic elite, would act to oust a democratically elected president without the backing and support of the U.S. government. President Zelaya has increasingly come under attack by the conservative forces in Honduras for his growing relationship with the ALBA countries, and particularly Venezuela and President Chávez. Many believe the coup has been executed as a method of ensuring Honduras does not continue to unify with the more leftist and socialist countries in Latin America.

source: Venezuelanalysis.com

07:30 AM Jun 29 2009 |

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United Kingdom

We all know how reliable Chavez's propaganda machine is to give us information.

04:10 PM Jun 29 2009 |



Hounduran President Manul Zelaya joined the Boliviarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) , which was promoted by Chavez.

He is punished for this act. A perfect example how USA treates the democracies that do not suit to its interests. 


04:33 PM Jun 29 2009 |



United Kingdom

It's a perfect example of how stupid communists jump up and down about unsubstantiated rumours that they themselves start.

04:56 PM Jun 29 2009 |


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I have been to India, I know how the leftist fools operate there… 

As far as I remember the communists lost miserably. 

06:15 PM Jun 29 2009 |



No one was kidnapped. Zelaya was taken into custody by order of the Supreme Court and removed from office for violations of the Constitution. 

06:54 PM Jun 29 2009 |



United Kingdom

I haven't a clue about this guy, but if Chavez likes him, there must be something wrong with him.

07:04 PM Jun 29 2009 |





when Chavez and Castro start getting their panties in a bunch, something good is probably happening.  

07:29 PM Jun 29 2009 |



What a Queue!

I like it!



10:38 AM Jun 30 2009 |