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Life Talk!

Abortion: Mother's right Vs Right of unborn child



 Do you support abortion or are against it?

There are many angles to this question. Moral, ethical, economical, social. Please keep them in view while answering.


A view supports abortion if there is a danger to mother's health, or if the pregnancy arises due to rape or intercourse with a lunatic woman or if there is substantial risk that if child born, would suffer from deformities or some serious diseases.

But if health concerns of either mother or child are recognized as ground for abortion than the underling principle is to prefer death over suffering . But on the other side, no country recognize the right of self death on similar grounds.

In case of rape or illicit intercourse with lunatic woman, the question is to prefer death of the child who committed no fault.


01:26 AM Jun 25 2009 |

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I against abortion, it's not just moral, ethical, economical etc, it all about responsibilities, how you stepping out of this.

When you take this responsibilities, you will have it for the rest of your life.

I've been there before, though my spouse finally giving up, i try my best and here i am, having happiness that i have taken the right way, and see my angels grown up. 

01:33 AM Jun 25 2009 |



United Kingdom

I'm against abortion. I believe its murder, and not a woman's rights issue.

I am especially against the way abortion is generally done in the West, used like a way of contraception by stupid girls that aren't careful.


The exception to this is when the mother's life is in danger, and there I believe it is the right thing to do.

02:11 AM Jun 25 2009 |



I respect your opinion but there may be compelling circumstances as, let's say:

The marriage is on verge of collapse;

The family is not financially sound,

for woman, it may be the time to change her profession which requires hard work and time.

02:20 AM Jun 25 2009 |



United Kingdom

I don't see why an unborn child needs to have its life taken away because it might be 'convenient'.

03:14 AM Jun 25 2009 |



Saudi Arabia

it's like a murder .. taking someone's life and who exactly.. a child who isn't even born. i think it's very horrible thing to do.


i can't imagine that a woman do that.. ah no i think it's nearly impossible 

04:03 AM Jun 25 2009 |



 But there is another side of the coin…

you see, in the poor and backward countries like India and many others, girls of lower and middle classes have no or little say in deciding their marriages; can not say NO to their husbands for sex; many times drunkard and irresponsible husbands force pregnancies on their wives; they can not have divorce as a matter of right in such marriages etc etc. 

The context of poor countries is different than that of rich ones.

04:53 AM Jun 25 2009 |



United Kingdom

I see your point.

But in the case of marriage, both parents should act responsibly to bringing the child up. 


05:05 AM Jun 25 2009 |



Saudi Arabia

this should be acted in all countries as well.. because it's a responsibility. u can't bring a child up that u wouldn't want him in the first place ..xD lol.. that would be a real prob

06:50 AM Jun 25 2009 |




i don't blame women who make abortions. if it is the early stages of   fetus development and woman really don't wanna baby, if she has no money to keep the family and the child will be brought up in  very bad conditions or for example it was discovered that a baby will have dangerous disease or whatever,  why not???  You say- it is a murder! U, men, will never face such problem- whether to keep the baby or to make an abortion- so of course u can speak so easely!! only woman can decide for her.

I knew one woman that didn't make abortion despite she knew that her future baby will be born with deformity and then will become invalid! and u know what?? her husband just broke up with her, when he knew that the baby is invalid! and she was alone and parents have no opportunity to help. So it was better to make an abortion.   I agree- it is unacceptable to to kill the baby when  the fetus is formed….

 But, gyus there could be a lot of life circumstances…...just think big!!!

04:39 PM Jun 25 2009 |



United Kingdom

"You say- it is a murder! U, men, will never face such problem- whether to keep the baby or to make an abortion- so of course u can speak so easely!! only woman can decide for her."

The decision involves another person's life. It isn't just some feminist issue.


Yes, I completely agree that ther are certain circumstances where abortion is permitted. But nowadays in many countries, abortions are done for other reason. 

Most abortions are not done because of deformities, rape or danger to the mother's life.

04:55 PM Jun 25 2009 |