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Life Talk!

after notify result of election of iran



Iran, Islamic Republic Of












09:04 AM Jun 15 2009 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

''Amirlashkari22'' I’m sorry for you

 Even basij fired to woman that take her child from kindergarten. are you support basij for this action?

 And who fired banks and stores is basij not people. It’s a property of coup that for this reasons police and other forces like basij suppression ppl.

 If some ppl fire something because the police and basij hit them. we have a proverb in farsi that say خشونت خشونت مي اورد

and the thing that provers cheating in election it’s a letter of committee of election to mousavi. In this letter committee of election notified to mousavi you win the election with 19 milion vote but next a hour some commander of military say to mousavi that a coup has been started against you.

 And I passages this from mohsen makhmalbaf in parliament of Europe.

And many other things that provers cheating in election. If you want I will say .

08:40 AM Jun 18 2009 |



in my opinion, you can say when you think it was ok or not ok. but i think is, violence is not a solution. when other people do use of force, then i do this too? no.

08:54 AM Jun 18 2009 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

These pics and this situation just make me so angry … all Iranians know who caused this bad situation ahhhhhhh and I hope everythings become OK soonerrrrrr !!!!

09:10 AM Jun 18 2009 |



Here is only those pics are pasted who protest against which a few in number but where are pics of thousands of millions of people who celebrate victory Jashan on the victory of their President? Imdad Ullah, NWFP, Pakistan

09:33 AM Jun 18 2009 |



I personally do not believe in the criticism against IRANIAN GOVERNMENT especially if this disparagement comes from what is called the “free world”. It does not mean that what Iranian authorities is doing against protesters is suitable to the case …the reason is that simply many countries who have been always criticising the Iranians try to disestablish the regime in Iran for many purposes that do not go with the principles of freedom of expression or with the concepts of democracy but they enter in the process of the political game between the west and Iran who make them seem weak…
How can I believe them and I know that they are trying to break Iran down from earlier times because it s an opposite state to the bad American and Israeli policies in the region by the way of helping and adopting the resistant movements…
How can I believe them and I know the in French they break the rules of personal liberties by dropping out from university or general offices any student or person who wear veil which is a personal decision and no one has the right to put any law against it…
How can I believe them and even donkey and monkeys know that Israel is killing and in huge numbers children in GAZA and no one of u talk about it and no one from that “comedy free world” make any procedure to make ISRAIL stop its crimes…
How can I believe them and the killing torturing machine of the American administration is always working in AFGANISTAN, IRAK, PAKISTAN and in many places in the world in indirect way…
People who are nowadays criticising IRANIAN GOVERNMENT is unfortunately like the cattle that is derived by the bad herdsmen who always make the sheep eat wrong and bad things.

12:01 PM Jun 18 2009 |



I personally do not believe in the criticism against IRANIAN GOVERNMENT especially if this disparagement comes from what is called the “free world”. It does not mean that what Iranian authorities is doing against protesters is suitable to the case …the reason is that simply many countries who have been always criticising the Iranians try to disestablish the regime in Iran for many purposes that do not go with the principles of freedom of expression or with the concepts of democracy but they enter in the process of the political game between the west and Iran who make them seem weak… How can I believe them and I know that they are trying to break Iran down from earlier times because it s an opposite state to the bad American and Israeli policies in the region by the way of helping and adopting the resistant movements… How can I believe them and I know the in French they break the rules of personal liberties by dropping out from university or general offices any student or person  who wear veil which is a personal decision and no one has the right to put any law against it… How can I believe them and even donkey and monkeys know that Israel is killing and in huge numbers children in GAZA and no one of u talk about it and no one from that “comedy free world” make any procedure to make ISRAIL stop its crimes… How can I believe them and the killing torturing machine of the American administration is always working in AFGANISTAN, IRAK, PAKISTAN and in many places in the world in indirect way… People who are nowadays criticising IRANIAN GOVERNMENT is unfortunately like the cattle that is derived by the bad herdsmen who always make the sheep eat wrong and bad things. Karim MARSLI                                                  

12:05 PM Jun 18 2009 |



I don't understand anything that is here!

Of course I support iranians!


there is one thing called protesting and other thing that is killing and destroying!

what I'm seeing in the pics its chaos! People are dying, houses are being destroyed, and all because of iranians! innocent people are being hurt and even murdered! 

If this is protesting, I dont know what we can call to a real protesting!

I'm not seeing, nor caring, nor even try to understand what is happening! All these Deaths , murders, chaos, are all because ellections? What a stupid ellection can make people being like that?! I wonder why this happens expecially in these countries hu? Why?

Ok, I wont say anything else, because I dont know what's happening! just to all iranians, be careful!


''In A land of blind people, pretend to be blind''

12:34 PM Jun 18 2009 |



hey There,

 I think it is easy to blame everything that's happening in Iran on the Occidental regims.

this is wrong and that's the weapon of the poor and uneducated people.

The only way for Ahmadinajad to get awy with this fake result is to use the hate that you extremist carry against the Occidental civilisation and occidental values.

So cool off and let the people express their right to vote and accept to lose.

That will be a very courageous and brave statement from the Iranian citisens.

 Salaam alikum.

03:04 PM Jun 18 2009 |